Brookline’s First “Town-Wide Yard Sale”

Join in the Fun! 

Brookline’s First “Town-Wide Yard Sale”
Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26,  9am-1pm

Spring is a great time to clean house!

Brookline residents are encouraged to organize yard sales in their driveways or front yards as part of the Town-Wide Yard Sale Memorial Day weekend on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, from 9am-1pm. 

Brookline Yard Sale Map

You can participate on one or both days, whatever times you prefer, but we will advertise for 9am-1pm both days.  All transactions are between seller and buyer.  

Please let Alyssa Schmidt 802-258-1108, or know if you’re interested in participating so I can post how many we will have for our shoppers. The more the better! 

Town-Wide Yard Sale