Town Meeting, Proposed Unified School District Vote Reminders
Hi everyone,
Just a couple of reminders:
Tuesday March 7, 2017 is Town Meeting Day and is scheduled to start at 10:00 A.M. It would be very helpful to bring along your copy of the Annual Town Meeting Report, mailed to you last week. The Town Meetinghouse Committee will be in charge of snacks and lunch break. As always we look forward to all of you wonderful home cooks and bakers to bring along some of your great samplings. The Town Meeting will be held in the former Brookline Elementary School now known as Sunny Lane Daycare Center, located at 624 Grassy Brook Road, Brookline. Please use entrance in the back to the all purpose room.
To Brookline registered voters,
Early and absentee ballots for the Proposed Unified School District Vote to be held on March 7, 2017,(Act 46) are available in the Brookline town clerk’s office. Anyone wishing to vote prior to March 7th may apply for an early/absentee ballot until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 6, 2017. Early/absentee ballots may be voted in person in the clerk’s office, mailed to the voter by the clerk’s office, picked up by the voter or delivered to the voter’s residence by two justices of the peace. All voted ballots must be received by the clerk before the polls close in order to be counted. Early/absentee ballots remain sealed until Voting Day. Absentee ballot envelopes are opened at the polling place and ballots are processed that day. For more information or to request an early/absentee ballot call 802 365-4648 or go online → Resource Links → My Voter Page.
If you are unsure if your name is listed as a registered voter or for more information about voter registration and early/ absentee voting, contact the town clerk at 365-4648.
Voting on March 7th, will be held in the Town Office, 934 Grassy Brook Road, Brookline. Polling hours will be 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sample ballot can be viewed on the bottom of the town’s website homepage.