Message and Reminders from our Selectboard

Thank you to all who attended Town Meeting this year. The Selectboard will be discussing ways to make Town Meeting 2018 even better!
The selectboard has voted to continue meeting on the same schedule and time as last year… 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM
at Town Hall. Agendas are posted on our website and on the community boards located outside of Town Hall, at Whitney Hill intersection and at the triangle as you enter town by Hill Road.

The selectboard welcomes our newest member David Jones who was elected for a two year term. Chris Webb attended the March 15th meeting and is interested in the open one year seat on the selectboard. Appointments for vacant seats will be made at the next Selectboard meeting on Wednesday April 5th. If you are interested in any position, please contact Dot Maggio Chairperson (365-7072) or Guy Tanza our Town Clerk (365-4648) so that you can be added to the agenda.

The following positions are currently vacant:
1 Selectboard seat – 1 year term
1 Emergency Mgmt. Coordinator – 1 year term
1 Rescue Inc. Representative – 1 year term
1 SEVCA Representative – 1 year term
1 Planning Commission – 2 year remaining term
1 LGUHS School Director – 1 year term
1 Historical Society – 1 year term

Quick reminder to all DOG owners: Saturday April 1 is the LAST day to license your dog(s) before late fees are added. After May 1st a $50 fine will be added for each unlicensed dog.
Town Hall will be open as it is every first Saturday of the month to accommodate pet owners. There is a LOW cost rabies vaccination clinic for cats and dogs at NewBrook Fire Department on Saturday March 25th between 10 and 1. Animals must be on a leash or in a crate. All dogs are required to wear a collar with the 2017 license attached by law. It also helps us return your pet quickly if he/she has run away. Lost or nuisance dogs should be reported to Nancy Libby our Animal Control Officer (380-0464) or Dot Maggio Deputy ACO (365-7072).