2024 Voter Information


Reminder for all legal registered voters of Brookline.

The following elections will be Australian ballots:

  • 8/13/2024 Vermont State Primary
  • 11/5/2024 Vermont General Election

Brookline Polls open at 9 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. The town office is the polling place.

Not all elections are conducted in the same manner.
In  August, voters will need to request absentee ballots if they want to vote early or by mail.
In November, the VT Secretary of State will be mailing absentee ballots to all active voters.

In the August State Primary, voters will choose to vote a party ballot. You will receive a Republican, Democratic, and a Progressive ballot. You are  allowed to vote one ballot and turn in the other two ballots in the non-voted box.

In November’s General Election, each voter will receive one ballot with all parties’ candidates listed and vote however they wish.

As usual, the easiest and best way to receive and track your absentee ballot activity is by using the following link:  https://mvp.vermont.gov

Any concerns or questions, please email or call the town office. Thank you

.Regards, Guy

Town Clerk

(802) 365-4648  (802) 365-4092 Fax

PO Box 403  Brookline, VT 05345

E-Mail: brook763@comcast.netWeb: https://brooklinevt.com