RFP Brookline Culvert Engineering & Cost Estimates DR470-VT
Details of RFP Brookline Culvert Engineering & Cost Estimates DR4720-VT
Engineers can find detailed RFP of requirements for both the Ellen
Ware Culvert Mitigation-RFP” and the “Hill Rd Culvert
Mitigation RFP below.
Interested bidders are asked to attend a mandatory pre bid meeting
on May 30th, 2024 at 1:00 PM. Contact E. Mark Bills
802-258-1389 or emarkbills@gmail.com. Submit sealed
proposals clearly marked “Ellen Ware Road Culvert RFP”, and
“Hill Rd Culvert-RFP” no later than 4:00 PM, Tuesday, June
11,2024. Bids may be submitted either in person at Brookline
Town Office, 763 Grassy Brook Rd, Brookline, VT or mailed to
Brookline Selectboard, P.O.Box 403, Brookline,VT 05345 or
emailed to DMaggio.Brooklinevt@gmail.com.
Bids will be opened at a regular scheduled Brookline Selectboard
meeting on June 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 8073 1391
Passcode: 491688
1) Cost to provide for each site below, detailed materials and cost
estimate to bring each site back to pre-disaster conditions.
2) Cost to provide for each site below detailed materials and cost
estimates to replace, mitigate to meet state and local standards.
prepare RFPs for construction, perform construction inspections.
Ellen Ware Rd Culvert, shown as 58-14 in VTCulverts.
Upgrading to a 30 LF by 6 ft diameter aluminum oxide culvert with
same materials header and wingwalls. Installation of wing wall as
may be required at the end. Utilizing culvert slope as recommended
by Hydraulic Study. Build-up of outlet area with Type IV stone for
stream sides and elevating stream bed thereby water can flow
smoothly from culvert to river bed . Removal of tree at outlet end
header. Grading of each end slopes as may be necessary.
Mitigation to include bringing culvert to meet current Highway
Hill Rd Culvert, shown as 66-11 in VTCulverts.
At inlet end construct concrete wingwalls 4 ft. below stream bed and
attach to the current masonry culvert. May require a wing wall at
culvert opening. Repair of road surface above to include paving.
Outlet end of the culvert is historical fieldstone. Outlet repairs may
Vary depending upon requirements of the Historic Department at
AOT Vermont. Repair road shoulders in the immediate vicinity of
culvert and guardrails.
Hydraulic studies of each culvert are available and will be provided
upon request.
The Town of Brookline reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
bids that are deemed to be in the best interest of the town.
Certificates of insurance must be included with the Bid.