The Selectboard has asked to send out the following:
Free stuff: The Brookline Selectboard is cleaning out a storage room at Sunny Lane Day Care at 624 Grassy Brook Road in Brookline. On Sunday, June 26, 2016, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM we will be giving away all sorts of goodies. Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, lots of books, TVs etc. Follow signs to back of building. This will go on for only 3 hours and it is all free, so stop in and help yourself.
Selectman Bruce Mello has asked to send out the following:
The selectboard is looking for some extra hands Saturday to help develop a ‘chain gang’ to move stuff out of the basement and help sort. We have attained two dumpsters. One re-cycle & one garbage for the occasion.
If anyone is interested to call me at 365-4679 for the details.
Thanks, Bruce