Brookline Town Clerks Office Update
March 19, 2020 – The Brookline Town Clerk’s Office will be closed to the public until further notice after today’s business.
You can conduct your business with the Town Clerk’s Office via the phone:802-365-4648, online: ,email: or through the mail,Town of Brookline, PO BOX 403, Brookline, VT 05345 (including dog renewals, absentee ballots, tax inquiries, etc.). As usual, we will be monitoring emails and voice mails on a daily basis. At times we will be working from a remote site and be able to satisfy most of your needs.
In the event of an emergency such as a closing, attorney inquiries etc., we will be able to respond during regular business hours.Thank you for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.
PLEASE continue to follow the recommended guidelines of the CDC and the VT Department of Health: wash your hands, practice “social distancing”; avoid large gatherings; and if feeling unwell with symptoms of the virus, stay home and call your primary care physician. YOUR continued good health is the primary concern. Stay healthy,stay positive and follow the guidelines.
Guy Tanza
Town Clerk-Asst.Treasurer
(802) 365-4648 (802) 365-4092 Fax
PO Box 403 Brookline, VT 05345