Brookline Resident Reminders
Hi everyone,
Just a couple of last minute reminders for the upcoming week.
•Tuesday, 3/26/19, 7 PM at the Leland and Gray H.S. Library : West River Modified Union Education District 2019 Annual Meeting. This will also serve as an informational meeting. At this meeting registered voters will vote on Articles 1-4 by floor count.
•Wednesday, 3/27/19, registered voters will vote by Australian Ballot on Articles 5-12 of the Annual Meeting. Brookline voters will vote at the Brookline Town Office, 734 Grassy Brook Road. Polling hours are from 9 AM – 7 PM.
•Please review the warning and sample ballots on the bottom of the home page on the town website
•Dog licenses are due by April 1, 2019. To help meet that deadline there will be additional office hours Friday, 3/29/19 from 4 PM – 7 PM.
•There will be a rabies and distemper vaccination clinic at the NewBrook Fire Station, Saturday 3/30/19 from 10 AM – 1 PM. You will have the opportunity to register your dog at this event. For safety’s sake please have your pets caged or on a leash.