The Brookline Church Building Committee Event
You are formally invited to attend on Tuesday, August 12th at 10:00 AM at the Brookline Church an informational meeting with Ann Cousins of the Historic Preservation Trust of Vermont. It is hoped that this meeting can serve as a solid base to begin in earnest with additional knowledge traveling the path to revitalize the building into whatever the Town of Brookline wishes the building to be. Given your interest and support both present and past and various roles of planning commission, Selectboard, committees etc., your attendance and participation would be instrumental in providing input and guidance as well as gain an insight into what it is going to require to bring the building to a meaningful community presence. It is hoped that we can cover aspects such as: a) Funding via grants b) Community involvement c) Community financial support d) Priority of repairs to be made e) Types of uses of the building f) Guidance and assistance in any and all capacities to make the building conversion successful. Please welcome and invite your friends and neighbors to attend this meeting. A notice will be extended to Julie Lavorgna to be provide over the internet inviting Brookline citizens. Thank you for your time in reading this. The Church Committee hopes that you will be in attendance and participate in the discussion. Sincerely, The Brookline Church Building Committee