Annual Town Meeting Info 2022
To all legal Brookline voters,
The Brookline Annual Town Meeting will be held by Australian Ballot Vote on Monday, February 28, 2022
Brookline residents will vote at the town office from 9 AM – 7 PM with a few modifications.
All voters are encouraged to wear a face mask while voting, and to use hand sanitizer upon entering the town office, supplied by the town.
It is recommended to practice safe, social/physical distancing at all times.
While these are challenging times for all, it is an important right for you to have the opportunity to cast your ballot for this important vote which will include the budget for the upcoming fiscal year as well as electing local town officials.
You are encouraged to seek alternate voting opportunities
Absentee/early voting is the safest and most effective way to cast your ballot and will be postage free ( town will pay postage).
To request an absentee ballot, use one of the following procedures.
Go to the My Voter Page on the town website:, select Resource Links on the left side navigation bar, under State Government heading, select " My Voter Page"
Mail a request to the town clerk’s office: Town of Brookline, PO Box 403, Brookline, VT 05345.
Email a request to the town: . with mailing instructions. Due to Vermont election laws, we are not permitted to scan and email ballots unless you are serving in the military or an overseas voter.
Call the town office, 802-365-4648 and leave a voice mail with mailing instructions.
If you do not wish to mail in your absentee ballot, you may drop it in the mail slot located in the back door of the office, 7/24.
All Absentee ballots must be returned by 7 PM, February 28, 2022 to be counted.
The warning for this annual meeting can be reviewed at the bottom right side of the Brookline website as well as the bulletin boards around town: Corner of Hill Road & Grassy Brook Road, bottom of Whitney Hill Road, in front of the town office.
If you have further questions or concerns, give us a call, leave a contact number where we can reach you, and the best time to call you back. We will monitor emails and voice mails on a daily basis.
Remember your vote is your voice, please make every attempt to participate in this event.
Please note: there will be an informational meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 starting at 6:30 PM.
Details and credentials are located on the town website, bottom right side of home page
Guy Tanza Town Clerk-Asst.Treasurer (802) 365-4648 (802) 365-4092 Fax PO Box 403 Brookline, VT 05345 E-Mail: Web: